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Top Classroom Management Strategies That Help You Gain And Keep Control In The Classroom.
What are the most important classroom management strategies? It’s a question teachers, especially new teachers, often ask.
There’s an old saying that if you put two teachers together and ask them a question you’ll get three different answers. It’s true that different teachers may have different opinions about which classroom management strategies are the most important.
The most important strategies for classroom success are those that you need at any given moment and that work for you in your situation.
It goes without saying that successful teachers are always open to new classroom management tips, but they also know that you need a solid core of basic techniques that you can use across a broad spectrum of situations.
Here are six classroom success tips that have served me well and that I want to share with you. They are not in any particular order of importance, but they do cover the broad range of generic situations you will probably have to face, and importantly, they are the classroom management strategies you’ll employ in just about every lesson.
Top Six Classroom Strategies
- How to start lessons well
The first few minutes of a lesson can sometimes determine how successful or otherwise the lesson will turn out to be, so getting the start right immediately gives you the edge to shape the lesson the way you want, and your students will respond better if you start lessons well.
- How to get students’ attention and how to handle transitions from one activity to another
Being able to get student attention whenever necessary is a key classroom management strategy. Handling transitions between different learning activities is vital not only for the smooth running of lessons but also to make learning interesting by redirecting student focus throughout the lesson.
It’s tempting to think that teachers have to impose themselves by using a loud confident voice to badger students into becoming silent and listening for instructions, so teachers sometimes raise their voice to the point where their voice is the loudest, but there are more effective ways to get student attention
- How to end lessons well
Almost every teacher has encountered the scenario of students simply closing books and dashing out of the door at the end of lessons.
Not only is this frustrating for the teacher, but, more importantly, there is the serious issue of how this type of behavior has a negative impact on ongoing learning, because students who leave the class in this way are much less likely to remember the learning that has been covered in the lesson.
The solution: improving lesson organization and planning and building a more positive and engaging classroom climate for learning, are essential in order to end lessons well
- How to give student praise
Human beings respond better to praise than to punishment,and teachers can use this as one of their most useful classroom management strategies.
There are many ways to give student praise but some are more effective than others
- How to use behavior for learning techniques in the classroom.
It’s important to focus student attention on behavior for learning. Behavior for learning means that all classroom routines and interactions are planned to highlight the link between the standard of behavior and the quality of learning.
- How to establish your authority using assertive behavior techniques.
All teachers must establish their authority and gain respect from the students they teach. It’s a two way process because teachers must also learn how to show they respect their students.
Gaining and giving respect is an ongoing process which doesn’t run smoothly or evenly. When teacher authority is challenged, as it surely will be sooner or later, you are more likely to succeed if you adopt an assertive approach rather than by being overly authoritarian or indulgent.
Learning how to apply appropriate assertive behavior techniques helps to control the natural instinct to sometimes react aggressively when students challenge your authority.
There are times when teachers need to deal with very specific classroom management situations, such as dealing with defiant students, or students fighting or including students with serious special needs and all of these situations need specific strategies. But,day to day, it’s routine generic classroom management strategies that satisfy students’ behavior needs that best serve classroom teachers.
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